Water Based Clear Coat Over Oil Based Paint

Asked by: Abdalahe Jakovchenko
asked in category: General Last Updated: 17th May, 2020

Can I use water based varnish over oil based varnish?

Answer: In most cases, it is OK to use a water-based polyurethane over an oil-based finish in good condition. You should remove grease, dirt and wax by scrubbing the surface with a wood prep/cleaner/de-glosser, or mineral spirits and synthetic steel wool.

You may apply the Minwax Water Based Polyurethane over a fully cured Minwax Wood Finish Stain (oil-based). If the stain is cured and inactive, the mineral spirits will not affect the color. You should not have any color pick-up onto the cloth.

Subsequently, question is, which is better oil based or water based varnish? In the past, oil-based finishes were more durable than their water-based counterparts. Water-based varnish does not amber over time, and keeps the color of your wood truer than an oil-based finish would. However, it also "flattens out" the wood grain, and unlike oil-based finishes, does not enhance the grain.

Secondly, can you use water based sealer over oil based sealer?

And actually, the answer is YES—you can use our EMTECH water-based sealer or top coat over the oil stain. The beauty of all our water-based sealers and topcoats is that they'll level and adhere to whatever solvent- or oil-based stain you've used.

Can you put water based gloss on oil based undercoat?

Using water-based or acrylic paint when painting over oil-based paint is likely to cause peeling or chipping because those formulas don't bond well with the naturally glossy surface of oil-based paint. Fortunately, with the proper approach, you can successfully use water-based paint over oil-based paint.

38 Related Question Answers Found

How long does water based polyurethane last?

For oil based poly, it usually takes 30 days to fully cure. But, with water based poly, the curing time can be cut down to 2 weeks. While you can walk on the floors much sooner (often after 24 hrs), the floors are still vulnerable during the curing process, and that means they can scratch much more easily.

Should I use oil based or water based polyurethane?

COLOR: Oil based poly has an amber hue, whereas water based poly is clear. An oil based polyurethane will continue to amber and darken over time, while water based poly will remain clear for the lifetime of the hardwood floor. Water based poly dries much faster, and several coats (up to 4) can be applied in one day.

How many coats of polyurethane should I apply?

There needs to be 3 coats of Polyurethane applied, especially if you are using an oil-based finish. The first coat should be mixed with mineral spirits. This acts as a sealer and provides a barrier between the wood and the oil finish you are using. A bristle brush is needed to apply the coats.

How long after staining can I apply polyurethane?

Every finish and stain is different, and drying times can vary widely from brand to brand or product to product. As a rule of thumb, you should wait 24-48 hours to allow the stain to fully dry before applying your polyurethane. If you're extra cautious, you may even choose to wait 72 hours before applying your poly.

Can you apply water based polyurethane with a roller?

Yes, you can use a paint roller to apply polyurethane. Polyurethane is easily applied with a paint brush or roller and dries quickly. Applying the material with a roller eliminates brush strokes and lines and prevents over-applying the material.

Is water based polyurethane waterproof?

Yes, polyurethane provides a protective layer on hardwood (as well as furniture) making it harder for water to penetrate into the wood. But, it is not waterproof; rather, it's water resistant.

How do you remove water based varnish?

Apply some drops of solvent in a hidden area of your flooring. If it is shellac, the solvent will dissolve it. A lacquer thinner, on the other hand, will dissolve water-based and lacquer finishes. You can confirm whether it is lacquer or water-based with the use of toluene.

Can I apply polyurethane with a rag?

Applying Polyurethane for a Durable, Beautiful Finish. Polyurethane is widely revered as one of the most durable yet easy-to-apply protective wood finishes. Standard polyurethane is applied with a brush, but there are also wipe-on formulas that are applied with a rag, as well as a spray finishes in aerosol cans.

Does oil based stain seal wood?

Oil Based Stains Oil stains tend to seal the wood which can trap moisture in woods that are not tight grained such as teak. It penetrates deeper into the wood than water stains do which makes for a more durable coating.

Can you use Thompson Water Seal over stained wood?

Thompson's® WaterSeal® Waterproofing Stains can be applied to damp wood, so you only need to wait approximately two hours before applying the stain. However, some other products require that the wood dry for about 48 hours before applying a deck coating.

Is wood stain a sealer?

Most stains should be sealed to prevent bleeding. After smoothing the stained wood, apply a sealer coat of thinned shellac, sanding sealer, or other appropriate sealer. Do not use shellac with NGR or water-base stains. If you plan to finish the piece with polyurethane, make sure the sealer is compatible.

What does sanding sealer do to wood?

A sanding sealer can be used on bare, unstained floors, doors, furniture and cabinets prior to applying either an oil-based or a water-based clear finish. It is designed as a base coat that will dry quickly, seal the pores, and sand easily with fine sandpaper to create an ultra-smooth foundation.

What is the best water based polyurethane?

Best Water Based Polyurethane for Floors Bona Finish-Mega HD Clear Satin. Minwax Water Based Oil-Modified Polyurethane. Deft Interior Exterior Water-based Polyurethane Finish. Basic Coatings STREETSHOE® Water based Wood Floor Finish. ZAR Aqua Water Based Polyurethane. General Finishes QTHS High-Performance Water Based Topcoat. Minwax Polyshades.

Can you waterproof over stained wood?

There are three surefire ways to waterproof your wood for years to come. Use linseed or Tung oil to create a beautiful and protective hand-rubbed finish. Seal the wood with coating of polyurethane, varnish, or lacquer. Finish and waterproof wood simultaneously with a stain-sealant combo.

Water Based Clear Coat Over Oil Based Paint

Source: https://askinglot.com/can-i-use-water-based-varnish-over-oil-based-varnish

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